Syrian Jewelry Store Worker Helps Dallas Woman Out

Syrian refugee helps mother trying to pawn necklace

An act of kindness by a Syrian refugee who escaped the war-torn country with his family to America has gone viral on the Internet.

When a woman and her children, who were hard up and in-between paychecks, walked into a jewelry store to sell a necklace her mother had given her as a gift, she left with more than a handful of cash.

Whenever I read the papers, watch TV, or scan Facebook, I feel like all I ever see is trivial, negative, and destructive information. I get that it’s not all like that, but it sure feels like  it is. But not this time; it’s really nice to see something positive going viral. Frankly, we need more of it.

Noah, who told CBS affiliate Channel 11 in North Texas that he didn’t want his face, last name, or the shop he works in to be shown on camera, knows what it’s like to be in a difficult position. Why? Well, he’s one of those “bad” Syrian refugees everyone seems to be worried about.


What he is, is the kind of man who, by his actions, makes this world a better place. There’s no question that there is a measure of risk allowing people to come into America from other countries, especially if they’re unchecked and we have no way to verify their background or their intentions. But Noah is the perfect example of our immigration policies working. We should never be afraid to give people an opportunity to build a better life.

Talking about paying it forward; I’m proud of Noah. His love and kindness for another person gives me hope—especially in todays hyperbolic culture.

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